Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cat walk

I normally like to keep cat content to a minimum. But this cat and her striking shadow just get so photogenic when we go for walks together.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Blue Girl 2

Companion piece to the one below...

Third last group i've been working on....

 this is yet unfinished....background too dark...painted on unprimed linen

...yet to come...the encaustics and the Faces of Barbados...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Blue Girl

I have been painting non stop for a few days and will shortly dump my latest work on you for preparing for a solo show here in March of next year.... but just before I do a painting I have "enlarged", given it more of a frame, to make it part of a larger triptych....
The writing is a transfer from a map of Barbados from the 17th century, the painting is an inset.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

mail out and leave behind post/business card

Hi guys
I am putting together 4 different post cards (4 x6 inchs)  that i will be able to use as a business cards or to send out to whomever and i wanted 4 different ones that show the different sides of what i do. the back would be just text in these fancy and elegant fonts that i sought out.   here are the three that i am feeling will work...

so i guess my question is what to add for the 4th image.  I wanted to show the more playful and easy going side, like a collage or a drawing but it just doesn't seem clear at this point.  any thoughts from what i've been posting over the past few weeks?  i know that this blog has been a good place to ask these questions so please post me your thoughts.  I would be ever-so-grateful!

Monday, April 16, 2012

ice ice ice

More of the same

Here's a little gaggle of jellyfish swimming in the shallow water of my studio right now... Another poll question for you all... do you think that the speckles are too busy of a pattern? I wasn't sure if they added to the overall design, or would the pendants look better in plain colours? Here is a crappy pic of some other types of shades I have so you know what I'm talking about....

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Jellyfish Pendant

Here's my new line of pendants, basically this is the collection that I plan to get CSA approved and really start to develop... they are deigned around the Plumen lightbulb, and are loosely based on the shape of the jellyfish!
So... please give me your honest feedback, this is going to be my new collection after all, so I need your honest insights. They wil be available in a variety of bright funky colours. Also if you have any suggestions for names, I am going for something jellyfishy, moderny, funky, colourfully, bright, etc so if anyone has any nice ideas....

Friday, April 13, 2012

What Have I Been Doing?

Making an epic mess of lighting parts but not actually putting much together

Pointlessly doodling basic concepts then emailing them off to strangers

Swiffering while I wait in anticipation of an email response

splashy splashy

falling sky

Thursday, April 12, 2012

horizon wonkeyness

ive become fascinated by collaging an off kilter horizon.  this is the first intentional attempt at messing with what should be a straight horizon.  I also love seeing the dot printing of these old books plates, i think it has an interesting clash when the two separate images come together to  make one image. be sure to click on the top image to preview it at a larger size to see the detail. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

New toy

Yup, I got an Ipad and Artrage and now I'm unstoppable....drawing at every street corner (not quite! but possible..) the first fruits, a bit hard and unpalatable....but I have hopes...

two collages