Monday, March 26, 2012

tent trailer

i know this blog is about creating something new, but sometimes i just can't help pulling out creations of something old.  i just brought my old sketchbooks down to my new bookshelves and their new permanent home and I found this gem, among countless others.  i like how the portrait progresses into a delicate moment between a tent-trailer inhabitant and her watch.


  1. Taj Mahal! I also love the progression!

  2. oh dear, i totally remember that day... and remember how we painstakingly tarped up our baby so that the rain wouldn't seep in? and remember how buying patio lights for it was a going concern? and remember how mice lived under the bench seats and how it was so much fun?!?!?!?!?
    woot woot for the taj mahal!!!

  3. i remember the worlds largest wasp nest that was living under the bench seat! that thing was so massive. yikes.
