Monday, January 28, 2013

Procrastination to the Max = BDS

I began the day with a huge overwhelming list of things to accomplish, all of which are jobs that have been on my list for weeks and weeks now.  I half-heartedly started a few, then quickly gave up out of frustration, lack of interest and general lethargy.  Then I decided it was time to have a day off from my to-do list and spent the next 3 hours idly doodling around on Illustrator designing a logo for my  yet-to-be-in-existence new club: the Backroad Design Syndicate.  Isn't it a beaut of a logo?  I am really pleased with my progress.


  1. most excellent! what a sharp logo! i can't wait to see what the syndicate will do next!! take that to do list. i am having a similar day.

  2. This is so very nice! I am noodling around on the computer ignoring my list!

  3. great logo....and BDS is a good abbreviation for the club....double meaning.....also stands for Barbados
