Friday, October 12, 2012

The Cloud is Here!

Oh yes it is... Long awaited but much anticipated CLOUD! I forgot I owned my own bandsaw. It was amid the crap in my barn.


  1. just out of curiosity how big it it?

  2. about 5-6" across! once it's glues up and dry I will take real photos for The Common Cloud. What do you think about a price on it?

    1. I'm not a good price person. How are you figuring your other prices? Time plus cost of materials? It's pretty great.

  3. ya, time + materials + markup but I like to take into account what peoples perception of worth is. I have the number $60 in my head but I haven't actually done the figures yet.

  4. The common cloud has Taken my breath away! 60 sounds like a good round number I can't wait till I can add works to your common cloud etsy!!!! We will take the cloud art world by storm!!

  5. Gasp mierps indeed!
    Takes my breath away do do do, do do do, lal a la la la! now i have that song in my head.

  6. If you are making money at $60 you'd better get making more because at this price I believe this design would sell like hot cakes!
